Question by Tom G: Can teachers still purchase Windows XP at a discount? I have to build a Computer. I want to install Windows XP. I know at one time, teachers could purchase the full blown version ($ 249) for less than $ 100. My wife is a teacher in Texas. Can I purchase Windows at a local Best Buy or Comp USA store at a discounted price? Best answer for Can teachers still purchase Windows XP at a discount?:
Answer by Fitz
Sure, look for the Student / Teacher addition. They usually sell them at college bookstores to be sure. Or try online.
Answer by blessed_thang
I, personally have been trying to buy any copy of XP. None on eBay, none at If you want a computer with XP installed, you really have to look for them. To get a used copy of XP might have to take ServicePak 2 for Vista if and when Microsoft releases it. Your wife's school might have an academic version running on their hardware. If so, that serial number is good for multiple copies. You might try Linux. It's free. On eBay, I noticed a $ 10 Linux with the XP graphics and desktop. Or, download the free version (without the XP eye candy) from link below.
yes, go to and search for education stuff/
Tonight's Films: ⢠Twilight, 5/10. ⢠Rocky, 10/10. * Tweet a review with the #JPMN hashtag, and have it featured on the show! * ~~ Movie Night ~~ Incorporating your viewer comments, film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the "Rate-O-Matic" for a 1-10 ranking. New episodes published every Friday (Nov through May). Jonathan Paula is a 25-year-old professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". He graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production and Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his fiancée. ~~ Related Videos ~~ Movie Night: Best Movies (Part 1) -- Movie Night: Oscar Special -- Game Time: Mario 64 #1 -- ~~ Links ~~ Facebook -------------- -- Twitter -------------------- 2nd Channel ------------ Movie Night Archive -- Tweet Critiques -------- Movies I've Rated ----- My Best Videos ------- FAQ Video -------------- T-Shirts ------------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic HMC-150 Microphone ----- Sennheiser ME 66 Software --------- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Computer ------- ⢠Jogwheel Productions © 2010 ⢠~ Kristen Stewart Loves Vampire Sex!
We use products from countries such as Australia, America, Germany, China, and England among others. Some of these products have multiple branches all over the world for instance one could find Canon products being sold in America with the label USA Canon. Since this product bears the label, you can find high quality products from the other branches.
There are many great products that you can find in the Canon line of computer items for instance Canon copiers and printers. We sometimes use printer cartridges and other items that bear the USA Canon label. For the different types of hardware you can always look for these products in the various computer stores around the country or at their authorized dealers.
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As soon as you have determined the various products that will help your business grow and function smoothly and efficiently, you may want to look into buying the various products and installing them in your office. This way you can increase the level of productivity that these goods will give. With this information you can purchase what's best for your office needs.
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