Sunday, September 2, 2012

More Advantages of a Desktop Computer []

More Advantages of a Desktop Computer []

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One of the advantages of a desktop computer is the feature that can be improved so that it can have better up graded performance. The upgrading can be done again and again based on the most recent development of applications in order not to make it old fashion. You can use the desktop for everything you need about computing. To improve the performance; you can simply change the spare part that can be gotten in lower prices. The installation is also easy to do so that you can modify your desktop computer as nice as you like.

For example is when you love computing while enjoying nice music; you can install the best DVD room and also qualified computer speakers for more enjoyable music. Meanwhile, if the computer is also a device used for movie watching; it will be nicer to install LCD monitor for the best images resulted. However, such flexible installation can be done on a laptop; all features are packed in one without some freedom to improve or modifying. Hence d esktop is nicer for the flexibility.

Besides, a desktop computer is also a friendly one to kinds of operating system but it is not in laptop. The flexibility of a desktop computer enables the owners to install some improved drives based on their needs. The installation of all of the hard drives is also flexible in brands; it can be installed with kinds of brand and personalized based on the user and the needs.

Another advantage of using a desktop computer is it can be switch to be the one with best features as you need such as application for music, live TV, media player, video gaming both online and offline, and many more. About the place where you can purchase a desktop; it is easy to get either on online store or the land based store. Just browse some online stores for products and prices hunting in order to get the best one in brands and also prices. By hunting online; you may also get some special discounts for some products.

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Question by Answerererererr: Video/Graphics card help please!!? Ok i want to play games, ones that are just about modern, maybe more 2007/2008 than 2009 if you know what i mean. I have an optiplex gx620. Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3 Computer: Intel(R) Pentium{R} 4 CPU 3.20 GHz 3.19 GHz, 1.99 GB of RAM Physical Adress Memory For my desktop i have (in display) Dell 1704FPV (Digital) on Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family Highest (23 bit) 1280 by 1024 pixels Memory size 224MB My price range is about £30 and i want to play a good game such as left4dead, EVE Online, command and conquer the newest one but i dont know which video card to get. If you cannot recommend one below £30 ill accept anything above it but not over £40, what is the best i can possibly get? ((((((On a side note, i'm looking at this|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 What do you think, will it run the games that i want to play? Any additional info you need just ask!! e-mail: Best answer for Video/Graphics card help please!!?:

Answer by Boy Wonder
I was going to recommend almost the exact same card you gave the link for. You may want to go 512MB instead of 256MB. Here is what I recommend. It is essentially the same as your link but with 512MB instead of 256. It is about 34 GBR Pounds. BW

Answer by br3nd064
I'd pick up an 8600gts if it's in your price range.

[best price desktop computers uk]


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