Sunday, September 2, 2012

Visiting the Tech Aisle - What You Should Know Before Purchasing a Computer []

Visiting the Tech Aisle - What You Should Know Before Purchasing a Computer []

Question by seles19: Look for a mid price desktop computer for less than 00... Must be able to handle W.O.W. dynamic settings.? I am looking to purchase a desktop computer.. I will only use it to surf the internet and play World Of Warcraft... The computer must be able to handle the highest dynamic settings W.O.W. offers... Please help me get the best computer for my hard earned money that took me a year to save. =-) Best answer for Look for a mid price desktop computer for less than 00... Must be able to handle W.O.W. dynamic settings.?:

Answer by MSgt.Gunny
DVD Burner: Case: Hard Drive: Motherboard: GPU: (get 2 of these) Power supply: RAM: Processor: Grand total with shipping $ 950

Answer by annorax64
Buy a Mac Mini. We bought one and it plays WoW at high graphics setting effortlessly! They're only about $ 600 and you can use your old keyboard, mouse and monitor if you buy about $ 40 worth of adapter cables. There's also an iMac that has everything including monitor and keyboard, but it starts at $ 1200.

Answer by C-Man
Here you go! This could easily handle WoW on maximum: While this is even more powerful, and could play tougher games like Vanguard, Age of Conan & Crysis on high settings: Total cost is either $ 725 or $ 950... Check out the user reviews from people who've bought these same computers in the links above. The choice is yours :)

[best mid priced computer]

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

CHECK PRICES: "The Cooler Master Scout Case is very similar to the Sniper and once again feature for feature one of the very best mid-tower cases on the market. With three fans (2x140mm & 1x120mm) it has excellent air circulation, tooless design, quality build, excellent styling, all black, etc. It even comes with an integrated handle at the top. Watch the video to find out more..." ~http #1061 - Cooler Master Storm Scout Case Video Review

Buying a desktop computer need not be a traumatic experience. You just need to know your specifications and limitations. But, if you are like the majority, identifying the specs alone will prove to be daunting.


One should decide the primary use of the computer. Will it be storage for thousands of audio and video files? Will it be used solely for encoding documents and spreadsheets? Or is it intended for a gamer? Clearly, the unit that you will be buying must meet your requirements based on how your plan to use it.


This is where the limitation enters the scene. Set a budget and stick to it. Be prepared for a plethora of gadgets and peripherals with varying costs and warranties. Always consider the price coupled with the warranty. An item may appear to be a money saver, however, it does not bear any warranty. On the other hand, a mid-priced item may demand that you cough up a couple more dollars, but see, it has 1 year warranty.

Remember, it is not wise to buy top of the line computers because after a couple of years it will become obsolete. And with our fast paced environment and advance technology, it may even be sooner.


Will your purpose necessitate a flat panel monitor? Twelve or twenty-one inches? Aesthetically pleasing or not? Printers: colored or just your basic black and white? How about the speaker, the web cam, and the scanner? Are these needed as well?


With all the questions posted in the previous paragraphs, research is but mandatory. By conducting research, not only will you find your ideal computer but you will get a chance to learn the lingo as well. Now the words RAM, PCI slots, and firewall ports are no longer gibberish. And for the first time, you were able to clearly understand the salesperson despite his fast talks and marketing spiel.

Shop Around

If you are still somewhat confused with the tech jargon, a quick visit to your local computer stores will help you to grasp the lingo. It does not matter if you are hiring a service or purchasing a manufactured good, shopping around and canvassing for comparison are simply vital.

As with any business, there will always be establishments offering the same item that have different selling prices. Though it should be remembered that the low-priced item does not necessary mean good deal. With this said, having the most expensive gadget does not always equate to great quality as well.

The Uses

Gaming: For most gamers, a basic computer will not do. They require fast processors, large amounts of RAM, huge screen, a booming speaker, and the best video card money can afford, or their money can afford. Not to mention specialized keyboards, mouse, and headsets.

Photo & Video Editing: Casual editing can be performed on most desktop computers. However, professionals in this field demand that they have a fast processor, a lot of disk space, and high-end component cards. Peripherals may include printers and tablet pointing devices (in lieu of the mouse).

All Around Basic Computer

Encoding documents, checking emails, listening to CDs, doing homework, and surfing the net; if these are your usual activities then you do not need a multifaceted computer. Complexity has no place here. Any standard unit from the electronic shop will do.

On The Go

For students, a laptop is the ideal notebook (redundancy not intended). This is ideal for school works, particularly when you are one of those people who do their assignments on the way to the university stopping by the adjacent shop to print your documents. The downside, anything portable costs a lot. Battery life is also an issue.

Suggest Visiting the Tech Aisle - What You Should Know Before Purchasing a Computer Issues


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