Thursday, August 2, 2012

Buying a Computer? Top Ten Things To Consider In Getting The Computer That's Right For You []

Buying a Computer? Top Ten Things To Consider In Getting The Computer That's Right For You []

Question by : Macbook Pro - Quad Core? okay so im not exactly a techy type of person but i know the basics kinda. So im planning on buying a macbook pro 15 inch. Most likely the intel core i7. My questions is - is the i7 a dual core or a quad core? Also i will be using the macbook for school and gaming. So which computer do you think is best suitable (taking the price into consideration). I am also a college student so i will be able to use the discount promotion that apple is doing This is the page that im looking at. And also if the 15 inch 2.66ghz is in fact a dual core than what is the difference between the 13in 2.66ghz intel core duo and 15in 2.66ghz intel core i7 since they are both dual cores (correct me if im wrong) Best answer for Macbook Pro - Quad Core?:

Answer by CaptDS007
Its technically dual core but the new technology makes it almost fast as a quad core. Kinda hard to explain but yah its a dual... mainly to save power, i would definitely go with the 13 inch 2.66 ghz cuz its small and fast enough and pretty decent at gaming. also the difference is that the i7 is more of a power user and is bigger. thats why they cant fit it into a 13 inch notebook. other than that theres not much of a difference other than the obvious, the i7 i faster for more graphics intensive things but you wont notice a difference when you are doing schoolwork.

Answer by jacob R.I.P Grandpa

[best price on quad-core computers]

You know you need a computer because...yours has died, maybe you're a first time buyer, or you need a second computer for the kid's schoolwork. You go to the store and...the vast number of makes and models leaves you confused. The salesman comes up to you and what he's saying sounds like Greek. Somehow you get the feeling he's trying to push you towards the computer he makes the most commission on. You don't want to get it home and find out you needed more power, RAM, or that it's already outdated. My Top Ten List will help you to get the right computer for YOUR needs.

1. What brand is the computer? Buying generic brands may work in the food aisles, but when buying a computer you want one that has a top name brand. Look for a brand that has been around for a while and that you can trust. There are hundreds of no name brands that may be cheaper but in this case, get what you pay for. The parts are not as well-engineered, and break downs are more likely.

< p>2. What will you be using the computer for? If you only plan to check e-mails, browse the internet, and do simple word processing a lower CPU (central processing unit) will be adequate. If, however, you plan to do video editing, burn CD's, play games, and watch movies you will need to look at a dual core processor.

3. How up-to-date is the computer? If the computer you are looking at meets your minimum requirements at the time, you should consider a more up-to-date computer. It may cost a little more but you don't want to get the minimum and find it obsolete in two months. For example; A computer with 1.5ghz processing power and 1gig of memory may meet your requirements now, but will newer software being developed tomorrow work on this computer? As new software is developed it takes more memory and processing capability to run.

4. How many core do you need? Quad core, Dual core, Single core? Just what is core? The core is known as the processor or CPU in the co mputer. It is the brain that tells the computer what to do, and when to do tasks. The more core you have, the faster your computer and the more applications you can run simultaneously. A single core processor is exactly that, a single brain CPU. A dual core processor is essentially two processors that divide up the application tasks between them. This allows for more speed and stability. A Quad core processor has four processors for even more speed, reliability, and stability because the tasks are divided up between the four processors. This way one single processor doesn't overload under the strain. One thing to consider though, the greater the processing power...the more cooling it will need to keep from burning up. A dual core processor takes a much larger fan to cool the processor and a Quad core processor takes an even larger fan. They may have several vent fans in the case to keep cooled. You need to be sure they will be kept in a place that won't block these vents. In addition, the greater the number of cores you have...the greater the electricity use will be.

5. Laptop or Desktop? Today's laptops can do virtually anything a full size computer can do. They have a stock of applications and programs, add to that portability and you have a big advantage. The problems you might encounter are that the laptop cannot be as easily upgraded as the desktop. You cannot upgrade the video card, sound card, and upgrading the CPU is a daunting task as the whole laptop must be disassembled to do so. You can, however upgrade the memory easily. This is done by removing a screw on the side taking out the CD/DVD ROM drive and swapping the memory card. Laptops are not as good for gaming applications. Today's games work best with heavy graphic cards that laptops do not have.

The desktop computer is easily updated by removing the side cover and taking out a few screws. Upgrading your desktop is only limited by what your main board/motherboard will handle. Even the motherboard can be replaced with a more up-to-date one though. The main drawback to the desktop computer is that you can't take it with you to a board meeting or on a business trip.

6. Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7? Having Windows XP is a sign of an older computer. Windows Vista and Windows 7 have advantages and are far superior to XP. If you look at a computer with XP installed, it is an obsolete machine. Unless you just need the basics, and it's a great sale, you probably should not buy it.

7. How much Memory do you need? This depends on what you will be using the computer for. Two gigabytes is the minimum memory or RAM that you should look at. Internet applications and running programs on the PC will use one full gigabyte easily. When you start to run out of memory the computer will slow down to a crawl and may freeze as it tries to keep up with your requests. A lower gig will also limit the number of applications you can have runnin g at the same time.

8. What size screen do you need? Having used several, my opinion is that a flat screen between 17" and 20" is the easiest to use. If you have sight problems a 20" screen is easier for reading and typing. A flat screen uses less power, saves on space, and has a clearer picture.

9. What size hard drive do you need? Hard drives average from 120gig to 500gig or larger. The average user can get by with internal hard drive space of 120gig-250gig. The more applications you plan to use the larger the gigabytes you will need.

10. Where to buy? If you go to a computer store, chances are you will pay a higher price. They will have the latest and greatest but sales persons will try to push you to spend more money as it will mean a larger commission for them. You can go to K-Mart and get the same computer cheaper in most instances. Buying on-line can be the best of both worlds, you can easily compare features, read reviews, and with a little effort g et some great prices.

I hope this article has sorted out what you need to know, and made the information available less confusing.

Happy shopping!

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