Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Is The Best Gaming Computer? - Quality Versus Quantity []

What Is The Best Gaming Computer? - Quality Versus Quantity []

Question by otjbnk: What is the best computer brand you ever use? what is the best computer you use? Based on quality, price and service. Best answer for What is the best computer brand you ever use?:

Answer by Haloe130
HP or Compaq. Same company

Answer by shubham
sony vaio is the brother has that

Answer by G. Whilikers
Apple, hands down. ...But I've never had HPs give me any trouble either.

Answer by Nancy H
Another vote for Apple.

Answer by Bill
Hello; I tend to like Hewlett Packard computers. I want to stress though that there is a lot to be said for a custom made computer. I have had several off brands that were made to my specifications, at computer speciality shops. I have a custom made MS Windows Machine (a fast little workhorse) that I use for multimedia stuff (Making Videos using Nero). I have two Compaq Laptops running MS Windows when it comes to on-the-go computer work they are fine machines. I really enjoy my old HP running Linux (Ubuntu Distro) It is the machine I use for internet work. Go figure it is immune to viruses and the platform and programs are more stable than MS products (in general). Because Linux is more efficient -- these machines appear to be running very fast in fact they are modest machines as far as speed and memory. Each computer has its strengths and weaknesses, so which one is best is a non-issue. If I need to use Nero then the Linux Machines just don't compete. For price and service I would give the HP running Linux very high marks. That is because the Operating System and the software is free. Dell makes fine machines ... I have a couple of them and I work on my friends all the time. Best of luck, Bill

Answer by Šųή☼
Quality and service go for Dell and IBM. Price go for HP(Compaq) and Acer.

[best computer quality price]

Ask any gamer; it's a huge, huge issue. The issue is whether the better games are on PC or consoles. Most hardcore gamers will tell you that the PC is where the better gaming experiences are. And they'll tell you this, because of the fact that they're able to customize their PCs (and they do). But that's a part of the problem. The PC is good for games, but the question remains: What is the best gaming computer? The answer is hard to, first, qualify; and second, quantify. You have to try to figure out what sort of games you like, if you're new to gaming. This really is a matter of personal taste. Some people are drawn to tactical games, such as RTS games (real time strategy games). Some people are drawn to first person shooter games.

And others are drawn to simulators.

It all depends on what you're naturally inclined to play. And so, you start with the games that you love (that's the "qualitative" piece to this); then you move onto specs and price (the economics of this whole endeavor; the "quantitative" piece). But always keep that original question in mind: What is the best gaming computer setup for you personally, given your own personal contexts (tastes, gaming experiences, gamer status, etc.). Now, some of you that are reading this might actually be coming to this question from a completely different angle. For some, the best gaming computers is a business dilemma, i.e. they're in the computer shop or internet cafe business. From this perspective, the issue and question becomes more of a quantitative scenario.

"What is the best gaming computer" becomes a matter of ledgers and bottom lines. If you can't make a particular workstation type work out, financially, then you're stymied right then and there; you won't be able to justify that sort of quality. So, from this kind of commercial vantage, you usually start out with a number of workstations that you can manage; you have to try to figure out how many spaces you can fit within your commercial area (sort of like how a restaurant has to determine what that "perfect" number of tables is).

And at that point, you're asking yourself, not only what is the best gaming computer, but what is the best money making type of computer. Some of the workstations that you come up with will not necessarily be the best for gaming, solely and exclusively. But instead, you might find that one that's also good for word processing, photo editing, and doing other productive types of things is also good (in terms of revenues and profits). All that said, you really can't neglect quality altogether; because of quality is absolutely horrendous, then what you have is a non-starter situation.

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