Saturday, September 1, 2012

How To Get Rid Of Old Computers []

How To Get Rid Of Old Computers []

(MarketWatch) â€" Microsoft Corp. is getting heat from vendors, such as Hewlett-Packard Co. and Dell Inc., over its branded Surface tablet computer. This will result in demands by vendors of Windows computers and tablets to get a better deal on the OS ... Microsoft's unhealthy relationships

Before you trash, sell, or give away any old computer the very first thing you should do is permanently wipe the hard drive so that nobody can recover personal information which could be used to access your bank accounts or steal your identity. So how can you do this?

Format Your Hard Drive

Formatting your hard drive before getting rid of an old computer is no longer enough to prevent somebody from recovering data from it! This is no longer an effective method of safeguarding your data. As our level of technological sophistication advances, so does the ease with which we recover data from old computers. There are services and software that a person with no computer knowledge can emply to recover data from a formatted hard drive at a very reasonable price, a small drop in the bucket when compared to the profit margins in identity theft.

Disk Wiping Software

(ex: Symantec System Works, Safe Erase, File Shredder)

Many software manufacturers o ffer products that are supposed to irrevocably wipe your computers hard drive. If you're willing to purchase software to wipe your hard drive so you can give or throw it away make sure you do your homework and ask what the program actually does. Most of the programs will repeatedly erase and overwrite your hard drive, which does make recovery of your data more difficult, but not impossible. Don't take the salesman's word without doing your homework.

Physically Destroy the Hard Drive

Physically destroying your disk drive is currently the best method of protecting your data. Software solutions that work today may not be effective tomorrow as our technology advances at breakneck speeds. The price of computer hard drives plummets more each and every day making this a very feasible option as your computer's hard drive comprises less than 10% of the total value of your PC.

Understand that crushing, burning, or otherwise physically destroying your hard drive is no t fool-proof, data can and has been recovered from drives that have been mashed beyond recognition, but the more thoroughly thrashed the drive is, the harder and more costly it is to attempt to recover any previous data. If you decide to take this route, disassemble the drive with a screwdriver, remove the ceramic disks (See image to the right), wrap them in a towel to protect yourself from shards and then thoroughly smash them with a hammer.

5 Ways to Dispose of Your Old PC

1. Donate it! Surprisingly, this isn't as easy as it used to be as many schools and charities are swimming in old, obsolete computers. If your old PC is new enough to still be useful, chances are you can find someone who wants it. Here's some places to try:

* Your local schools.

* Advertise it for free in your local craigslist.

* Post it on a bulletin board at a local college.

* Drop it off at your local salvation army or goodwill store's donation center.

2. Sell it! Advertise it in your local classifieds, Ebay, or Look through any place you attempt to sell first to make sure your not competing against people who are giving away comparable or better stuff.

3. Recycle it! Look up "Recycling" in your local phone book to find places close by that will take your old hardware.

4. Trade it in! Some computer companies such as HP, Gateway, and Dell will take your old, worthless hardware off of your hands for free when you buy a new PC through them.

5. Reuse it! Reconfigure an old computer to play music and movies, rip all of your CD's and DVD's onto it and hook it up to your home theatre. Video cards with RCA or S-Video outputs can be had for less that $ 20 making this very affordable.

Know of more ways to safely dispose of old PC's? Add them to this page using the form below. Please don't throw your old computers and monitors into the trash; they contain materials that are destructive to the environ ment.

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Question by John York: Dell laptop questins? Hello i am 13 and i am getting a laptop for more 8th grade graduation gift. you know for high school assignments and such. anyway.... i found one i really like on it is the studio 15 a 15.6" laptop i really like it it is $ 699 do you think that this is a good price? Is dell a good computer to get? Do they Break down? How long do they take to get delivered i need it by may 5(when i graduate)? Any other details you can give about dell Thanks for answering ps. only answer what you can 10 points to the best answer pps. i am a boy ppps. i... nvm lol Best answer for Dell laptop questins?:

Answer by Ali
its a good laptop and it wont break on you, until you physically break it or get a virus. Dell supports the product with a warranty so you should be covered. so its a good buy! good luck

Answer by Michael L
well customize your computer at dell there not the best brand but for what you need thell get the job done just fine but if your looking for a better or loner lasting laptop id go with a acer or a hp hdx 16 thell last you a good five years or so and be able to do what ever you want iv had a hp hdx for about 3 years works fine and and acer for over 6 there a very good and reliable company or if you want go to your local computer shop to get a fully custumized laptop. but for what you need thell get the job done

Answer by Aleks
Yes getting a Dell is a good choice. They are very reliable and have great customer service.

Answer by Pixel head
Dell has treated me good. I like their computers. Good service too after sales if you ever need it. Yes they eventually break down, as do all computers. And since Dell sells more than any other maker they have more breakdowns, simple math: Make more=more breakdowns.

Answer by simplyymeee
o! i wanna get a dell studio 15 for my graduation too! expect i'm graduating from highschool and i wanna use it in university...anyways: Is dell a good computer to get? Yeah, their pretty good. I have a dell comp. myself. expect its an inspiron desktop Do they Break down? YESS!!! OMG >< my comp broke, my keyboard broke, my moniter broke, my mouse broke. BUT! i was pretty rough w/ it was not a problem them. cuz my warrenty didn't expire yet. dell gave me a new new comp, mouse, keyboard, and moniter for free! although everything broke, the dell support staff was VERY helpful, and friendly. *pls note that this was a DESKTOP! How long do they take to get delivered i need it by may 5(when i graduate)? don't worry =) dell usually ships their stuff in 3 - 4 days! extra stuff: heres things that i think is a MUST in highschool. you might was well add this on your notebook if your ordering from dell: 1) when its saying that the notebook is $ 699. its w/o stuff you add in. MAKE SURE YOUR GET MICROSOFT OFFICE! (for students w/ power point, excel etc.) there is NO POINT in getting a new desktop if it does not have these programs. trust me its REALLY important to have this on your laptop or computer in highschool 2) buy the phone in customer support thingy. its REALLY REALLY useful to have when your computer is having problems 3) when your get your notebook. PHONE INTO DELL FOR HELP TO INSTALL THE STUFF <--- this is the reason why my computor crashed in the 1st place. cuz i didn't phone them. its really important to do everything correctly or else your may encounter other problems in the future. hope i helped!

Answer by ChubbyD
A year ago I would have said to stay as far away from a Dell as possible but, things have changed considerably with Dell products. I have noticed that the feedback and reviews on Dell laptops is steadily getting more positive. I am not in the market for a laptop at the moment but, if I were, I would strongly consider a Dell. I say that, if you found a Dell that floats your boat then, get it! Every manufacturer produces a lemon from time to time so, anything you buy is a chance taken. The good thing is, they come with pretty good warranties and support. If you have problems with whatever you get, take advantage of the warranty and the support. If you have even the smallest of questions or issues, do not hesitate to contact them Good luck with your new laptop and, have a great high school career!

[how to get best price on dell computer]


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