Saturday, September 1, 2012

What is a Netbook? []

What is a Netbook? []

Question by : What are some reliable, yet low priced net-books? Christmas is coming soon, and my mom is thinking of getting me a computer. I want a cute little netbook perfect for school. I'm homeschooling so I need a computer thats small and portable and affordable. Any suggestions? Best answer for What are some reliable, yet low priced net-books?:

Answer by Cat. •That's all...
Hi from France ♫ I would say in order of my preference : 1 - Asus 2 - Toshiba 3 - HP 4 - Dell 5 - Acer ... Have a nice day Catherine

[lowest price netbook computer]

The 9.95 Edubook is now shipping. This video shows the Edubook insides and demonstrates how to open the case, install WIFI, hard disk, SD and batteries. Inside the Production Edubook

... Comcast spotlighted its Internet Essentials program â€" offering broadband Internet for $ 9.95 a month and a voucher for a low-cost Acer netbook computer â€" for households with children who receive free or reduced-price school lunches through the ... Comcast donates backpacks, spotlights Internet program in New Haven (video)

In resent years the computer industry has brought out ultra portable laptops called netbooks. But what is a netbook? This article will attempt to answer this question, but may raise several more questions that I will go into in later articles.

For many years the computer industry has brought out faster, smaller, more powerful and efficient computer components. We as consumers have bought the new components, when most don't need it. Most owners of computers will only use them for browsing the Internet and checking on email or maybe to tap out a document or letter. This sort of computer use is not using the latest computers to their maximum capabilities. People were buying the latest computers because they wanted all that power just in case they needed it instead of buying a computer that would do what they wanted and in doing this save themselves lots of money. The netbook was born from the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project that made a small laptop so that child ren in 3rd world countries could get the IT education that they needed. At around the same time Asus brought out a competing laptop called the EEPC. They found out however that this device was more popular with European businessmen, and the rest is history as they say. The name netbook however came from a device that Psion developed, the name has been used for all devices that resemble small Internet capable devices ever since.

The history above explains where the netbook came from but doesn't really answer the question what is a netbook? Well a netbook is a very small notebook computer that usually has between an 8 to 11 inch screen, has no DVD/CD drive and all other components are chosen to keep power consumption at its lowest. This to me is a netbook but there have been other standards thrown into the fray by Intel so that companies making netbooks can qualify for a cheap price on the Atom CPU and also by Microsoft so that the same companies can qualify for a cheap windows XP license. This means that the netbook you have or may want to get will not have as much power as a notebook and no way as near a desktop. But on the other hand you will not need all that power anyway.

So now you know what a netbook is what now. This information does not help you run a netbook to the best of its capabilities, it doesn't let you know how to best choose a netbook for your needs. What will you do now. Well the easy option would be to do more research and if that is what you want to do then you can either go to the resource box where I have a few links to help you out or you can go to Google and ask it the same question what is a netbook.

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