Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Building a Cheap Gaming Computer: Tips to Save Money []

Building a Cheap Gaming Computer: Tips to Save Money []

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Are you building a gaming computer on a tight budget? Want ideas on how to save some cash? The following tips will help you build your gaming system for less.

Reuse Your Old Parts

A good way to save money on your new computer is to reuse old parts where possible. Strip out all the good parts from your old computer, you may be able to use these parts in your new PC.

Components such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, and computer case are good candidates for reuse. In some cases you might even be able to keep your old graphics card and sound card, leaving you with only the core components to replace, the CPU, motherboard, RAM, and hard drive.

Watch for Sweet Spot in Market

Another good tip to building a cheap gaming computer is to watch for the 'sweet spot' in the market. The sweet spot is basically the point at which certain components are still not far behind those with top performance, yet they've a lready been through price drops.

Keep in mind that new hardware releases in the market will cause older components to drop in price. You should hunt for quality components that have been through these price drops.

Shop Around For Your Components

This is common sense, but there are people out there who don't do it. To get the best deals on your components you must shop around and compare prices. Avoid buying impulsively, whatever you do. Instead, become an informed and smart buyer.

If you want the very best deals you will need to put in a little effort. Try to compare prices from various sellers over time, perhaps a few weeks or so to get an idea of where the hot deals are.

Gaming computers can be pretty expensive. If you're like most people, you won't have all the money in the world to spend on your new machine. So use these tips to your advantage and build your gaming computer the smart way. Always remember, be a smart, patient and infor med consumer. The money you save is worth it.

Recommend Building a Cheap Gaming Computer: Tips to Save Money Articles

Question by : Would this be considered the best for the price gaming computer? So I got about a $ 550 budget and thought to myself that I might aswell build myself a gaming pc. The only cheaper way to get a pc is off craigslist but I think itll be fun to build a pc myself. So for $ 550 i get a monitor, and this,-Seven-Hundred-Dollar-Custom-Gaming-PC.html. Tell me if this is a good cpu and what cheap things i can do to make it better... also wondering if i can play CODMW2 on highest with this. Thanks alot. Best answer for Would this be considered the best for the price gaming computer?:

Answer by Kogarona
I just finished building one last week, and I tried to do the cheapest one and it ended up in 1500+ dollars, notice that I took the cheapest of the best there is so i wont have to upgrade anytime soon. I would recommend you to earn at least 1k to purchase good parts so you dont have to change them later...

Answer by Grant
Probably the hardest part about building a pc (especially a gaming pc) is picking the parts. Definitely do NOT skimp on the Processor, or in fact get a Processor/Motherboard combo just to be safe. But I suggest what an old teacher of mind told me: "spend the most (time/money) on the thing most people overlook: the case". Parts come and go - especially for a gaming pc. If you get a case that's big enough to hold future parts, has a power supply to run them, and good enough airflow for performance, it'll stay with you a long time. As for parts, I've always loved It's an originally German site dedicated to people like you and me. One of my favorite articles that they do every month is the best Graphics Card for the money: basically they break out price ranges into categories ($ 99, $ 200, $ 300, etc.) and pick the best graphics card of the month for each category. So you can choose how much you want to spend, look it up, and you'll know the best one for the money:,2646.html But, above all the best place to look would be their System Builder Marathon. It's much more rare, I think they only do these article once every 6 months, but basically they choose 3 price ranges/grades: The $ 2,000 Performance PC, The $ 1,000 Enthusiast PC, and The $ 550 Gaming PC (you're in luck!). It's so extensive in fact, it takes them 3 days to do the review, making it a 3 part article. And they build the pc's in that order, so in fact they're still on Day 2: The $ 1000 PC. So, overall, if anything, GO TO THIS SITE FIRST:,2655.html ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Wait another day for part 3 of the article to come out: the $ 550 Gaming PC. Just remember, if you start doing this a lot, (you probably will, it's much cheaper) there are some things that you do not want to continue buying over and over: get a good Case, with big power supply and big fans, if you get a good CPU cooler, that can be carried on as well, and buy and External Hard Drive to store (backup) your personal files from one system build to the next. Always buy a new HD, and store every single one of your files on it, but HD's do fail, so keep a backup:

[best price on gaming computers]


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