Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gold And Silver Is Your Safe Haven For Protection From Financial Destruction []

Gold And Silver Is Your Safe Haven For Protection From Financial Destruction []

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

Microsoft Surface Tablet 2012 Preview: Specs, Release Date, Price. Microsoft has unveiled Surface, its own design for a Windows 8 tablet - and while rumours of a Barnes & Noble link-up proved unfounded, the reality is much more interesting. Could the Surface be your next tablet - and your next PC? Here's what you need to know about the Microsoft Surface Tablet. For more on Microsoft Surface: Microsoft Surface Tablet 2012 Preview: Specs, Release Date, Price

Have you ever played the game "kick the can" or maybe the game "ditch"? Well, fellow Americans that is exactly the economic game we are playing in this country today. With quantitative easing (QE1 and QE2) our government has printed billions of dollars to pay the interest on our ever mounting debt. With QE2 expiring the end of the month, our government is unable to even pay the interest on the US debt. So they either print more money (QE3), or default on the debts that America can no longer pay. What do you think they'll decide? What would you do as a Washington politician that wants to get re-elected? Yep, you guessed it, they will "kick the can" of debt a little further down the road to ditch the inevitable economic collapse that will eventually haunt us and generations to come. Wake up America, time to open our eyes to the reality of the impossibility of America to recover from this economic tsunami. Our culture and our leaders are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices in our standard of living to begin the paying back of our enormous debt.

It is quite apparent that our government will continue to print more money to stave off the inevitable at least until the elections in 2012 are completed. What does this mean for the average American? It means that as more money enters the economy, and more dollars are available to purchase goods and services, the value of each individual dollar is worth less. This spells inflation and the inevitable dreaded hyper-inflation. Our incomes have shrunk and the prices of the basics, food, shelter and utilities have begun the steady climb causing many families to be forced a choice between paying their rent or eating. This is just the beginning. Our dollar continues to plummet in value. Years ago, our dollar was worth 40% more than the Canadian dollar. Today the dollar lags behind the Canadian dollar by 5%. Worldwide, countries like China who used to invest heavily in the dollar are getting o ut of the dollar. They are encouraging their people to do the same. This goes for Japan and many European nations.

What does the average American do to protect their assets and families from financial destruction? Many people, just assume the government will take care of them. They believe when they retire that social security will pay their bills. Let's look at one example and that is the state of Minnesota. Their government shut down on July 1. The state shutdown has caused layoffs, families not to receive their child support payments, disability payments not made, rest areas and state parks are shut down and the list goes on and on. We just assume that our government will continue to pay us our "entitlements" and refuse to entertain the thought that we won't have it "some day".

Let's look at the facts: America is broke! Our government must either keep printing money, causing hyper-inflation, or default What do we do to protect ourselves? What will still have v alue when the US dollar isn't worth the paper it is printed on? The only viable answer is precious metals. Historically, gold and silver have and will always be worth something. They will always be recognized as something of value. Get some NOW!!!! The summer months have put many investors to sleep. Either they are too busy, or just sitting on the sidelines watching, but this is the perfect opportunity for you to jump in and begin protecting your assets. You must purchase only physical metal. Do not buy the "paper" as JP Morgan and Goldman Sacs, Comex and the like, have only a tiny percent of the "paper" they have sold actually backed in real metal. Here is why you must purchase and hold your physical metal.

Silver and gold are going to sky rocket and very soon. As the dollar falls, precious metal prices rise. We already see that happening. To compound the physical metal prices increasing are some very huge changes happening in China and India. In India, one of the poo rest countries in the world, almost every family owns gold. They are one of the largest purchasers of physical metal today. And we think we can't afford to buy precious metals. Hmmm, if families in India can...well America, think again. Next, looking at China, for years it was illegal for citizens in China to hold any physical metals. The government has not only made it legal, they are encouraging everyone to purchase gold and silver and get out of the US dollar. Not only are they encouraging it, they are facilitating it by creating a new Gold and Silver Exchange. They are making it so simple for the average citizen to buy gold and silver by offering it at their banks. The Agricultural Bank of China has over 320 million retail customers and 2.7 million corporate accounts. Every one of them can purchase gold or silver at the touch of a key on their computers. So what does this mean for the US?

Today, if you try to buy silver especially you might be surprised how long it takes to fill your order. The demand is already taxing the supply and the Chinese market is just opening up. With millions of new buyers wanting physical metal, combined with the dollar tanking, the prices of metals will take off....and soon. Many experts believe $ 200/oz silver is right around the corner and $ 2000 gold is soon to follow. This makes today's prices of $ 40 and $ 1600/oz cheap.

So, it is obvious. If you believe social security will take care of you, you are naive. Wake up! China doesn't have social security and encourages their people to become financially self sufficient, by purchasing precious metals. We need to be prudent and do the same. If you have nothing saved, do it now. No excuses, the poorest of the poor in India can do it so can you! If you have stocks, mutual funds, T-bills, annuities etc.. that is all in US dollars. Diversify NOW, get at least 20% of your assets in precious metals. Sell some of what you have to do it, or borrow against it to make it happen. If you are living check to check, pay yourself first. Buy a little at a time and when it doubles or triples or even more, you won't regret you took action. Wake up America, we have kicked the can as far as it can go and now it is time for the game to end.

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