Friday, September 14, 2012

Finding the Best PC Speakers []

Finding the Best PC Speakers []

In the most basic form, the Axx is simply a USB powered computer speaker with a microphone. What makes this speaker special is that it's powered by Creative's SB-Axx1 audio processor. Creative's "new" SB-AXX1 multi-core voice and audio processor is ... Creative Sound Blaster Axx SBX 10 & SBX 20 Speaker/Microphone

When I was a youngin' and bought my very first sound system it changed the way I enjoyed audio and visual entertainment. I am an enormous music fan and it is a shame to hear any good music, watch a good movie, play an awesome video game, or do anything that has sound without having some quality speakers. Once you just simply plug in a nice surround sound system you are enveloped in a whole different experience. In video games it makes you feel like you could actually be there, while watching a movie it makes you feel like you're in the theater, and while listening to music it feels like you're at a concert. Without some quality sound, it sounds like you're listening to someone beat on tin cans, the experience just isn't there anymore.

Since you've come this far I'm sure you're aware of this and are on the hunt for some new speakers to spice up your entertainment system. Personal computer speakers have come a long way and nowadays are so easy to use it's ridiculou s. It is almost a necessity to get the iPod adapter plug-in as it will allow you to plug your sound system in to anything at all via a simple headphone jack. The sound system itself is plugged into the wall and completely self powered and the audio signal gets to the sound system via the headphone jack. So you can simply just plug it into your computers headphone jack, or into your iPods headphone jack and receive amazing sound that easily. It's really quite amazing that technology has come to this point and I enjoy it completely every time I use my speakers.

Now what are you going to want in your speakers? This will depend on the type of sound that you want. I highly suggest getting a system with some sort of bass sub-woofer. This is what will really bring the experience to life. This doesn't necessarily mean a spike in the price either because most pc speakers nowadays come standard with some type of sub-woofer, but not all do so make note of this. When browsing stor es you may notice that most are a big sub-woofer with two smaller speakers that output the mid's and high's of the system.

Try to avoid the ridiculously cheap speaker systems out there. I was just browsing a site and saw a pair of speakers for $ 9.99. They looked pretty cool but I can't imagine the horrific noise that must come out of those. Look for something $ 50.00 or more if you want to get some decent sound. If you search hard and look at the reviews very carefully you may find a pretty good system for under that price but that's a good general starting point.

A system with a sub-woofer and two speakers will easily satisfy the needs of a simple PC sound system, such as one that you'd have in your bedroom. If you want to crank up it's abilities a tad and have something that you could bring downstairs when you have a party or friends and family over to watch football on the T.V. you might want to invest a little more. Having a subwoofer with the additional 3 speakers (the center speaker that mounts on the television and the two speakers that are mounted in the corners of the room) will make for an amazing sound experience even at the loudest family get togethers or parties.

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