Question by : What would be a good Tablet PC? I am looking for a low cost tablet PC. I would like one where you can see yor computer screen on the tablet, as well, for easier editing. A nice size would be 15" to 17". The closest PC to the one I want is a 'XPC 17" 1710A', but I can't find the price for it. Please Help. Best answer for What would be a good Tablet PC?:
Answer by M
do not buy low-cost. you'd want to throw it out of the window in few days. the only tablets worth money are iPad(and I say that as a PC fan), Samsung galaxy tab and Dell Inspiron Duo. the rest = junk.
Answer by James M
i like whats called a 'convertible laptop' with these the screen flips around so you can draw on it but you also get the traditional laptop...just google it. almost every major OEM makes one
Answer by WillAnswerForFood
There is not a great selection of tablet pc's on the market today. A lot of tablets are set to release in the near future, so if you can wait, there will be more to choose from, and they will have better specs. If you choose to wait keep up to date with websites like or Both are great websites that are pretty good about getting things up as soon as they come out.
Tablets are becoming increasingly common in the workplace, the home, and even at the top of children's Christmas lists. Just about every company has jumped on the bandwagon, and Microsoft is hoping Windows RT will help it finally crack this tough market. Low-cost tablet buying advice
When shopping for joint supplements online, you may want to view some price comparisons to get the lowest price. When doing so, you need to keep the following 4 keys in mind:
1) Apple to Apple
When they compare prices of different brands, the comparison is not valid, because different brand means different products, they should have different values.
2) Shipping, handling and tax charges? Any other add-on fees?
The price comparisons may not reveal these charges, especially add-ons. You need to review the shopping policies of a particular website to find out those costs. Labeled prices may not represent the total amount that you need to pay for the products.
3) Bottle size
Even the same bottle size with the same amount of capsules or tablets, and of the same brand, grams of each individual ingredient may be different.
For example:
Glucosamine 1500mg; 1000mg, 500mg...
MSM 1500mg; 1000mg, 500mg...
4) Not all sell ers are listed
When they present the price comparisons, they might list a few sellers' prices, but not all. There might be many other sellers out there that you do not know about who offer even lower prices than the lowest price they claim. So, the fact is, whoever claims to be the lowest price might not be the lowest at all.
My suggestion is to focus on joint supplement benefits instead of prices. We all know Health Is Priceless. You need to make sure that the joint supplements purchasing are made from the finest ingredients and that they place your health as their highest priority.
Suggest Joint Supplement - 4 Keys For Price Comparison Issues
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