After obtaining the UPC number, I was able to look it up in the computer where I work, and found that, as many had believed, he will be retailed at $ 99.99. I also found that he will be packaged two per ... 2012 @ 1:49pm CDT. Megazarak wrote: Hopefully ... Official Pricing Confirmed: Masterpiece Optimus Is .99
Setting up a home network can be a daunting task for those less experienced with computers. However with a little knowledge you'll realize how pain free it usually is.
Step 1 - Purchase Internet Service
First make sure you've purchased suitable internet service from your ISP of choice. You can choose from a DSL service which uses your phone line but is generally slower, or cable service which is essentially the same technology used for cable TV. I recommend cable Internet due to its (generally) superior speed and the fact that it works well no matter your distance from the base station. If you live in Canada, I strongly encourage you to checkout the Chatham based ISP Teksavvy Solutions. In my experience they offer the best service/price combo with extremely helpful customer service.
Step 2 - Get a Basic Modem and Router
Next you're going to want to hit up your local computer store to purchase a modem and router. If you chose to go with cable Internet service you will of course need a cable modem and vice versa with DSL. The modems are specific to the service type. You can rent modems from your ISP however I do not recommend this as you usually spend far more money over the long run than just by buying one upfront. Before buying your modem make sure the specific model is supported by your ISP. In terms of routers, I recommend anything made by Linksys or D-Link. I've worked with both in the past and they seem to last. You can choose between a wired or wireless modem. Of course if you opt for the cheaper wired modem type, you will have to connect the computers on your network via ethernet cables. Wireless modems thus offer a lot more flexibility and freedom. I personally recommend the Linksys WRT54GL wireless modem. This model is heavily modifiable if you want to get a bit geeky.
Step 3 - Connect the Hardware
What I will be describing here is the most comm on network setup for home use. First make sure your modem and router are connected and functioning. For cable you will need to connect the coaxial cable to the modem and the power cable to a power source. For DSL modems there will be a phone jack for you to connect the phone line. Next connect an ethernet cable from the modem's ethernet port to the WAN or "Internet" port on your router. This port will be separate from the others and will generally be on the far left or far right of the unit. Now connect another ethernet cable from one of the free ethernet ports on the router to your computer. You can disconnect this later if you are using a wireless router but it's required for setup. From there you may wish to connect your other computers to the router via additional ethernet cables, however if you plan to use wireless this is not required.
Step 4 - Configure your Router
This section is where many users run into trouble. Effectively configuring the network is not difficult however if you learn how to use the router's config page. Make sure everything is turned on and connected and open your favourite web browser. In the address bar you will now need to type a series of digits to access the router's configuration page. For Linksys routers 99% of the time this code is "". For D-Link routers the code is generally "". Refer to your router's user manual if neither of these bring up the page. If everything is set up properly you will now be greeted with a login asking you for the router's username and password. For most if not all Linksys routers you will just be required to type "admin" into the password field while leaving the username blank. For other routers it depends, thus you should consult the user manual for their username and password. If all has gone well, you will now have access to the router's configuration page. From here there are a few basic things you need to do. For cable Internet , there should be an option on the main page to choose DHCP as your router's configuration. 99% of the time you will want to choose that option. From here you may need to put in the Local IP Address. Set it to The subnet mask should fill in automatically but if it doesn't put in Save your settings and you're assuming nothing went wrong, your Internet should now work. It may take a bit of time to kick in so just be patient. If you opted for DSL the process is a bit different but just as easy. Under the drop down where you chose DHCP for cable, you will need to select PPPOE instead for a DSL connection. From here you will be required to put in your DSL service's username and password. These should have been given to you by your ISP but if not you will need to give them a call and they will give you that information. Pop that information in, save your settings and you should be good to go.
Step 5 - Set up your Wireless Service< /p>
You can skip this step if you opted for a wired network. From here there should be a wireless page within the router's config. Make sure you enable wireless and select the mixed B/G mode. You will also need to set your SSID. This will be the name of your network that will be visible to you and your neighbors. You can choose to hide it if you like but it makes things difficult when friends want to use your wireless. Pick any name for the SSID you like. For the broadcast channel, choose something besides the default channel to avoid interference with other networks. Now you will need to choose your wireless security type. I recommend WPA2 Personal. At the moment this security type is uncrackable and generally extremely safe. DO NOT USE WEP. Even an unskilled hacker can crack into a WEP secured network in a matter of minutes. If it asks you for the WPA encryption type choose AES and then enter a password for your router. You can now test the wireless on your current compu ter or another on the network by connecting to your SSID and entering your WPA2 password. Congratulations, you've successfully setup your home network!
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